I love going around barefoot and do so any opportunity I get. There's something about feeling the blades of grass between your toes or the carpet beneath your feet or the cool ceramic tile that tingles your sole (and soul!) that makes you feel...alive. However, it isn't always the best idea to run around barefoot nor is it always sanitary (ahem, Brittany). That's why I love flip flops. It's the next best thing!
Who can't love flip fops? They are fun, fashionable, colorful and very convenient. They're multipurpose footwear from the beach, as house slipper, to the pool, and just a warm weather alternative.
An article at Sun-Sentinel.com called, "Sole Searching: The history of flip-flops" was written by staff writer, John Tanasychuk, July 8, 2003. He interviewed Elizabeth Semmelhack, curator at the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, a repository of some 12,000 artifacts including shoes, socks, laces, even images of shoes.
"I will tell you straight out that I cannot tell you the origins of flip-flops," says Semmelhack. "I've already been down this road with National Geographic."Best she can tell, flip-flops first appeared in the United States after World War II when returning soldiers stuffed souvenir flip-flops in their duffel bags. Geishas wear a version, but during the war, Japanese soldiers fashioned flip-flops from old car tires.
"The real early flip-flops were probably worn by the pharaohs," says Semmelhack, whose collection includes some 5,000-year-old sandals that might qualify. "But I don't know who copyrighted the flip-flop in hieroglyphics." (Tanasychuk, 2003).
And how does one distinguish or define a flip flop anyway? Duh! By the sound they make!
........flip.....flop.....flip....flop. This is most recognizable especially when one runs in flip flops. Something I don't recommend, by the way. Almost as bad as running in heels. Almost.
FlipFlopSandals.com says, "Originally, sandals were kept at a very basic design and function. They did not come in elaborate styles and designs and there were not a lot of options to consider when someone thought about wearing a pair of flip flops for the day" (2006).

But now there is so much more to do with them! They are so popular, there are flip flop socks! Huh?
But what about designer flip-flops? High-heeled? Leather? Jeweled? Do they qualify as the real thing?
My first cited article reads, "Fashion has always been about making some sort of wry statement, and I think that's what's going on," says Semmelhack.
"But once you start changing all the basics, I'm not sure. At what point does it stop being a flip-flop? Essentially when it stops being beachwear. You don't wear high heels to a sandy beach for a lot of practical reasons" (Tanasychuk, 2003).
The ones I love this summer are from American Eagle Outfitters for $19.50. They have a green and white stripe and online are called Nautical Stripe flip flop (see pic above). But if you're looking for a more inexpensive way to get 'em, I highly recommend Target or Wal-Mart where they have an wide assortment of colours for $1.94. Can't beat that! Or if you think you can't wear them because you fear they will hurt your feet, try Orthotic Sandal's Orthopedic Flip Flop.
Anyway, this is your authoress, Elle, highly recommending a pair of flip flops if you don't already own them. I must confess I didn't start wearing them myself until junior year in high school and I wish I had started sooner. Good luck! Have fun! And FLIP out!
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